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Mechen Imchen is a 20 year old hailing from Mokokc..
The Invisible Boy follows the story of a boy who b..
Tales From The Enchanted Village - Before he left ..
Besought Grit is a compilation put together, with ..
TITLE: The Choir I Conduct AUTHOR:&nb..
A country with no home explores friendship, home a..
"La Foule meaning 'The Crowd' is a ce..
This introspective poetry collection offers glimps..
Introducing PenThrill Publication-Short Remed..
Haolong A Konyak Folktale by Ngemnyu Konyak PUB..
SELLER: Penthrill Publication houseTITLE: Pushing ..
About Wedekhro Naro: A Passionate Writer and Hospi..
Who makes these timepieces? Is it a man or a woman..
Azahto kiba currently serves as the senior pastor ..
Alina Aier is a nom de plume of Imlijungla Aier. S..
But came the morning sun pouring light, unmasking ..
A Lifetime of Nostalgia explores the world of chil..
KETHUPFÜ DZEKhriezotuoü Sekhose 1931, Thenyie zha ..
Cultural heritage, which encompasses both the tang..
This book is an amalgam of poetry filled with dive..
About the poet:Buno Iralu loves observing life, th..
AUTHOR - Inakali AssumiTITLE - Voices from the for..
Author - Kuzo KezoPublishing - PenthrillCover Art ..
ABOUT THE AUTHOR:Ketousieno Prescilla Khamo is a 2..
Abokali Jimomi is the author of the picture books ..
EDITED BY - Sentinaro & Vizovono Elizabet..
ABOUT THE AUTHOR:Kakheli Inato Jimomi is a servant..
ABOUT THE BOOK:“Echo My Soul” is a book of “soul s..
This book is based on the life story of the author..
This is the first book published dedicated especia..
About the Author:"Kumgha: Blessing" by Inaho..
Talilula is a writer, researcher and an educator b..
The ink is never pale in This Is How We Disappear,..
'Ukepenuopfü' takes us into the beautiful, magical..
Author - Thejangunuo TheunuoPublisher - Penth..
Author - Jesse ThongerPaper back coverShort storie..
Author - Changson ChangBook cover - Paperback..
Authors - Heeyairen ThokchomPublisher - PenthrillI..
Authors - Kakiye Yehato Swu Publisher - P..
Authors - Vizosienuo Shuya & Chozila L Sangtam..
A strong Naga patriot, Kevitho Naga is also a soci..
Wedekhro Naro is a waiter by profession and a writ..
TITLE: Whimsical Poems for KidsAUTHOR: S..
Written and Illustrated by - Sofia Livimo SwuPubli..
Publishing House - PenthrillAbout the BookLittle C..
Publishing House - PenthrillName - My Adventu..
In 1704, a deadly epedemic hits Nagaland. As score..
TITLE: From the broken Earth - Vishu Rita Kro..
Penned during the late eighties and early nineties..
TITLE: Nocte Te-Wa NginchhaGENRE: FolktalesILLUSTR..
Publisher - PENTHRILLAbout the Poet Dr. Susma..
Neitele Mero, who is currently teaching at Baptist..
The title of the book “Akupu” is taken from a Sumi..
AUTHOR: Renthunglo TungoeBOOK : Wild Sun..
TITLE: My Adventure in FairylandAUTHOR: Sofia Livi..
TITLE: A Beginner's Guide to the Butterflies ..
ITEM: The Yellow SunsetPUBLISHER: Penthrill Public..
ITEM: The Morning YearsAUTHOR: NiniPUBLISHER: Pent..
TITLE: Weeping WillowAUTHOR: Kezhakielie WhisoPUBL..
In A Weretiger Comes to Town, Kezhakielie Whiso ta..
“Don’t call me back!” I yelled, and hung up the ph..
ABOUT THE BOOKWith stories that shift from the inn..
About the AuthorWedekhro Naro is a waiter by profe..
About the AuthorMmhonlumo Kikon is a father of two..
About the AuthorNzan Kikon is a Counselling Psycho..
Publisher: PenThrill PublicationsAuthor: &nbs..
Kalopsia, a collection of 81 poems and 10 proses i..
ABOUT THE POETT.Keditsu is a poet writer and educa..
Yearnings is a collection of 60 short poems and i..
About the Book:'Nagaland is falling down; Natural ..
Publisher: PenThrill PublicationsAuthor: Ruuk..
About the BookThe Starry Night is a novel that rev..
Vingunuo Talie is a sixteen years old and is the d..
A lot of things can go wrong on a wedding- the bri..
About the Book'Love, Lust, and Loyalty' talks abou..
Ten-year old Sochumlo Suki Ezung is set to become ..
They say 'life is a journey-complete it'. And not ..
Publisher: Penthrill PublicationAuthor:..
‘Echoes of Spring’ is a collec..
“Food for Spiritual Growth” is the debut book of K..
Book Authors:Robert Seiboi, Aboli Chishi,Temjenren..
Authors: Talilula, Vishu Rita Krocha, A..
'A Bucket of Rain' is the second book of poems by ..
Visier Meyasetsu Sanyu, his family and his fellow ..
ABOUT THE AUTHOR:Abokali Jimomi:Abokali Jimomi is ..
About the Author:Agnes touches on subjects that a..
About the Author Jenny Kath Thong is a self-tau..
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